On https://authentic-self-empowerment.com/ase-supervision-group-forum/ we have sign ups with subsequent password changes. This forum is meant to only be accessible for certain users of ours as it is accessible through a password protected page only and should not be found on the web otherwise. Are you able to advise how to protect this page from spammers? The link has been shared with our people and in this forum, not otherwise. Thanks, Jana
Hi @janjan,
Please read this FAQ: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/how-to-stop-spam/
Hello @Sofy, Following up on your link above, having reCAPTCHA activated for new member signups ( https://authentic-self-empowerment.com/ase-supervision-group-forum/) there are still spam registrations which exceed 5 spam signups per day (making reference to the FAQ in your link). What else could be checked in order to reduce the spam registrations please?
There is NO way to stop manual registrations.
You could try also a security plugin.
@dimalifragis. It does not seem like manual registrations. The security plugins installed are WPBruiser, Akismet, Astra Security Suite – Firewall & Malware Scan, WP Hardening. I have inserted a fresh set of reCAPTCHA keys for the foro spam control but still getting bombarded with spam registrations, mainly from 2 domains. What else can I do or how can those domains be blocked? Thanks