Pages installed by WPForo, such as "New Topic" (/topics/new-topic/) and "Login" (/topics/log-in/) have incorrect shortcodes
Shortcode [discussion_board_form]
does not work, displays as text when you browse to the page.
The shortcode should be [wpforo discussion_board_form]
That way, when you browse to the page the discussion board form displays.
The log-in/ page has these shortcodes:
[discussion_board_login_form] and [is_logged_in]You are already logged in[/is_logged_in]
I don't know what the shortcodes should be, starting with wpforo just makes that whole big form display 3 times on the page.
What are the correct shortcodes, that should be installed as the pages are automatically created?
Hi @glerner,
wpForo has only one-page "Forum" the shortcode in that page should be [wpforo], login, reg, and others called through menu links.
Navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Menus, Select wpForo Navigation Menu, and set the correct Menu shortcodes in every wpForo Menu Link.
You can find wpForo shortcodes in the Menu page's top part, Press on the "wpForo Menu Shortcodes hint" bar and check the shortcodes.