Hi. My question is with regards to changing permalink structure from "post_name" to "number" style.
Someone had the same problem 2 years ago: See This Post, but there's been no update since then.
My motivation for doing this is exactly the same. For posts with titles containing UTF-8 characters, the post_name URL looks nasty. It could contain 200+ characters that make absolutely no sense. I highly prefer to use numbers, instead of names, for permalinks.
The "Short Url" function in wpforo does satisfy this need, BUT it's very difficult for users to notice this feature. I would need something that's more clear and direct, i.e. let users copy a number-style url directly from their browser.
I have tried setting the permalink structure as "number" or "custom" in WordPress dashboard (Dashboard > settings), but it won't work. Some posts from this forum suggest wpforo only supports the post_name permalink style, while some say it's supposed to change with the settings.
Hi @crescendo,
wpForo doesn't have that functionality for now, however I will set under consideration your request, to add it in wpForo 2.0 major version.
Hi. My question is with regards to changing permalink structure from "post_name" to "number" style.
Is there this feature in wpforo2.0?