Just noticed likes are not properly registered. It just displays 0 in all threads. I can see who has liked, but it still just shows 0.
I have cleared site cache and forum cache. I have also cleared user cache in wpforo and "rebuilt threads". Still not working. I don't think it was always like this.
Edit: I think I have the same problem as this guy as I also have changed to "threaded" view: https://wpforo.com/community/how-to-and-troubleshooting-2/in-threaded-layout-all-like-counts-stay-at-0-even-with-previous-likes/
Edit 2: yes, I can confirm that when I turn off "object cache" in wpforo, then likes count stops working. But problem is I have to turn off object cache, otherwise view count won't work.
Site cache? Exclude the [ wp foro ] "base" page.
That doesn't work. The issue is wpforo's object cache.
Don't disable wpForo caches. You should exclude the forum page from other cache plugins if you have. Please read this FAQ information: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wpforo-and-cache-plugins/