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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Live Notification (for desktop and mobile)

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Is there a way to have a live notification for desktop and mobile users?

I've looked through the forum here and I saw that live notification was discussed as a possible feature release - but those posts were about a year old.

We currently use Slack and want to migrate to the wp-foro Forum on our own website. We really need to have audible and visible notifications on desktop and mobile when new posts are posted in the Forum.

Any help or advice is appreciated. Thank you.

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Currently wpForo is well integrated with BuddyPress and Ultimate Members profile plugins, both has Live Notification features and both works fine with wpForo actions:

  • New reply on your topic
  • New reply to your reply
  • New like to your post
  • New quote to your post


BuddyPress Integration has been added in 1.4.8 version.

Ultimate Member Integration has been added in 1.5.0 version.

wpForo Live Notification is not planned in near future. We may add it in 2-3 months.

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I asked too several times about live notifications, sadly only to see them evaded again and again.

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Thank you for the reply @Robert. I am REALLY liking the wp-foro plugin so far!

Unfortunately, I don't want to have to use Buddy Press or Ultimate Member in order to have live notifications. That would just be one more account my users would have to maintain, and I really don't want them to have to do that. I also don't need all the other functionality of Buddy Press or Ultimate Member.

So.... I really DO hope live notification is something you add to wp-foro over the next several months. That would really be the ultimate solution!

Thank you!


@UsernameMi - let's hope live notifications is something that will be added in the future!

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@thedrawingboard from their reaction since the beginning ("Who need that when you have email notifications?") and the replies evading the question ("install buddypress" lol), I feel they are not at all confortable with the idea. For them, a 2018 discussion board without live notifications is perfectly fine.

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Posted by: UsernameMi

@thedrawingboard from their reaction since the beginning ("Who need that when you have email notifications?") and the replies evading the question ("install buddypress" lol), I feel they are not at all confortable with the idea. For them, a 2018 discussion board without live notifications is perfectly fine.

As I've already mentioned it'll be added within next 2-3 month. I just pointed to some solution before the core notification is added. We're very comfortable with the idea and we understand how important this feature. But as far as I see you don't even know, that there are dozens of other features and functions which should be added/improved more urgently. The only issue I see here is uncomfortable waiting for something, and this is not related to us. We do our best to add all planned features as soon as possible. You just need to be patient and wait (if you have such time).

I'm closing this topic here to stop such ironic posts.