wpForo 1.5.0/1.5.1 ...
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[Closed] wpForo 1.5.0/1.5.1 released!

19 Posts
10 Users
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Posts: 10549
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We just released wpForo 1.5.0, then in a day 1.5.1 UM integration version.

Note: After the update please delete all caches and do Ctrl+F5 on forum front.

Main Changes


1. Multiple Usergroups (Secondary Usergroups)

Using Secondary Usergroups you can set more than one Usergroups to any user in My Profile > Account and in Dashboard > Users > Edit User page:

Secondary Usergroups are simple Usergroups listed in Dashboard > Forums > Usergroups admin page. You should edit certain Usergroup and enable the "Can be also used as Secondary Usergroup" option to use it as Secondary Usergroup:


2. User Role-Usergroup Synchronization

Started from wpForo 1.5.0 version forum usergroups are synchronized with WordPress user Roles. The synchronization direction is from User Role to Usergroup. It means if some user Role is changed by some plugin or by website admin the Usergroup of this user will be changed automatically based on Role-Usergroup relation setting in Forums > Usergroups admin page. This helps to make wpForo compatible with paid membership and other User Role based access regulator plugins.

Note: The [Synchronize] button changes all users Usergroups according to the users Roles. For example, if you select "Contributor" Role for "Registered" Usergroup, all users with "Contributor" Role will get "Registered" Usergroup in forum.

You can see User Role - Usergroup relationship and synchronization status in User Role table below the Usergroup list on the same Forums > Usergroups admin page:

If you want to disable Role-Usergroup synchronization and manage Usergroups and User Roles independently, please navigate to Forums > Settings > Features admin page and disable "Role-Usergroup Synchronization" option.


3. New permission "Can answer own question" in forum access set

This permission brings more Q&A friendly discussion. If this permission is disabled, all new replies of Question Authors in Q&A topics will be added as comments. Answer button will only be available for other users.


4. Admin note/message on Forum frontend


5. Forum Dashboard and Forum Home links in top admin bar


6. Edit post logging with date and author name


7. Ultimate Member plugin integration

This integration Includes Forums tab with Topics, Replies, Liked Posts and Subscriptions sub-tabs on UM Profile page. Also wpForo is integrated with UM Real-time Notification system. Users get notifications when someone posted in their topics or replied to topic posts.



  • Version 1.5.1
  • Added: Options to manage topic/post editing logs
  • Fixed Bug: UM Integration issue on wpForo activation
  • Fixed Bug: Long phrases cannot be changed in wpForo Phrase system
  • Version 1.5.0
  • Added: User Role-Usergroup Synchronization
  • Added: Automatically change Usergroup based on User Role
  • Added: Option to set Forum Usergroup for each User Role
  • Added: Supports User Role based Paid Membership Plugins
  • Added: Multiple Usergroups
  • Added: Secondary Usergroups
  • Added: Usergroup option to set as Secondary
  • Added: New permission "Can subscribe" in forum access set
  • Added: New permission "Can answer own question" in forum access set
  • Added: Edit post logging with date and author name
  • Added: Filter hook to control content length in email notification
    • apply_filters('wpforo_email_notification_post_body_length', 100);
  • Added: Filter hook to control content length in email notification
    • apply_filters('wpforo_breadcrumb_text_lenght', 19);
  • Added: Admin note/message on Forum frontend (Forums > Tools > Misc)
  • Added: Display top admin bar for Editors and Authors as well
  • Added: Option to manage number of Members per page on Members page
  • Added: Option to manage New Registered User email subject and body
  • Added: Ultimate Member | Forums Menu
  • Added: Ultimate Member | Profile Tab Forums > Created forum topics,
  • Added: Ultimate Member | Profile Tab Forums > Posted forum replies,
  • Added: Ultimate Member | Profile Tab Forums > Liked Posts,
  • Added: Ultimate Member | Profile Tab Forums > Subscriptions,
  • Added: Ultimate Member | Real-time notification integration,
  • Added: Forum Dashboard and Forum Home links in top admin bar
  • Added: Help links to documentation next to forum options labels
  • Added: Plugin deactivation reason dialog
  • Modified: Allow users to edit and delete own unapproved posts
  • Modified: Removed quote texts in recent topic/posts excerpts
  • Modified: Totally improved User profile builder functions
  • Fixed Bug: Duplicate meta title for the first Topic page
  • Fixed Bug: SEO issues and conflict with AIO SEO Pack plugin
  • Fixed Bug: Missing topic and post pagination buttons for guests
  • Fixed Bug: Wrong user information appears after login (HTML cache)
  • Fixed Bug: Max upload file size bug when it's set 1MB
  • Fixed Bug: Dashboard > Forums menu Banned Users indicator issue
  • Fixed Bug: When forum is set as home page. Login Menu on home page adds extra domain in URL then return 404 error after login.



  • To load your customized colors please refresh forum front-end page twice.
  • If you have a Cache Plugin, please delete all caches after wpForo update.
  • If you use CDN and found some issue please purge it.
  • If you have an old (1.4.2 or lower) customized copy of wpForo forum template files in your WP theme /wpforo/ folder please update them.


In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 09/07/2018 6:48 pm
Sofy, Gal, VeganOstomy and 1 people reacted
Posts: 17
Eminent Member

Do we have to change a setting for the tabs to show in UM? Im not seeing any change, even with Incognito browser.

Creator of Sky Watchers
No expectations. No disappointments

Posted : 11/07/2018 5:36 pm
Sapere Aude
Posts: 56
Trusted Member
Posted by: Gambino

Do we have to change a setting for the tabs to show in UM? Im not seeing any change, even with Incognito browser.

I am not yet seeing the Forums Tab either..

“I must stop him from being one of those who call themselves good because they have no claws.” ― Irvin D. Yalom, When Nietzsche Wept

Posted : 11/07/2018 5:43 pm
Posts: 10549
Support Team Admin
Topic starter

@gambino and @sapere-aude

Please update to 1.5.1, then navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Features admin page and make sure these options are enabled:

If it doesn't helped, please navigate to Dashboard > Ultimate Member > Settings > Appearance Tab > Profile Menu subTab and make sure Forum Tab is enabled for Anyone and save it. then delete all caches and press Ctrl+F5 on Profile page.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 11/07/2018 5:51 pm
Posts: 10549
Support Team Admin
Topic starter

If my post above didn't help or if you don't see Forum Tab options in UM Settings, please deactivate wpForo, delete it (delete plugin), search and install it again.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 11/07/2018 5:53 pm
Sapere Aude reacted
Sapere Aude
Posts: 56
Trusted Member
Posted by: Robert

If my post above didn't help or if you don't see Forum Tab options in UM Settings, please deactivate wpForo, delete it (delete plugin), search and install it again.

I did end up having to deactivate, delete and reinstall. But it works now. So happy to see this functionality!

“I must stop him from being one of those who call themselves good because they have no claws.” ― Irvin D. Yalom, When Nietzsche Wept

Posted : 11/07/2018 6:02 pm
Robert reacted
Posts: 1602
Noble Member

Just updated and in ONE of my 2 sites, a black logged-in like bar appeared to visitors on top of the page. With some links like the backsite and a search.

I have no idea from where that came from, but disabling wpForo goes away.



(edit: actually is it on BOTH sites, after clearing my browser cache).


Posted : 11/07/2018 9:51 pm
Gambino reacted
Posts: 17
Eminent Member

I had to delete, but its there. Thanks fellas. Appreciate your hard work. 5* review coming your way.

Creator of Sky Watchers
No expectations. No disappointments

Posted : 11/07/2018 9:52 pm
Posts: 1602
Noble Member
Posted by: Anonymous20

Just updated and in ONE of my 2 sites, a black logged-in like bar appeared to visitors on top of the page. With some links like the backsite and a search.

I have no idea from where that came from, but disabling wpForo goes away.



(edit: actually is it on BOTH sites, after clearing my browser cache).


Not sure what happened with the update, but we had to turn

Show Admin Bar for Members

to off and the bar is gone.

Still i'm 100% sure we had this to OFF before the update and there was NO admin bar to our installations.

Anyway, solved.

Posted : 12/07/2018 12:24 am
Robert reacted
Posts: 111
Estimable Member

Post logging limits please

Nice feature that Edit post logging with date and author name . Problem is for frequently editted posts/topics, this log becomes excessively long. I've disabled it as a result.

Can we either have a limit setting for post logs to show (eg: 5) or can I have the old functionality back where a note is recorded that the post was editted?

Posted : 13/07/2018 5:25 am
Posts: 4585
Support Team Admin

Hi nando4,

I'm sorry but there is no such an option, yet. We'll add the new option, that will allow displaying either all logs or only the last one in next version release.

In case you want to say thank you 😊
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 13/07/2018 11:20 am
nando4 reacted
Posts: 2
New Member

Is the limit 2 usergroups for each person?

Any way to add more?

Posted : 15/07/2018 9:44 am
Posts: 10549
Support Team Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: Lasikie

Is the limit 2 usergroups for each person?

Any way to add more?

You can set unlimited number of Usergroups to one user.

First you should create as many Usergroup as you want in Dashboard > Forums > Usergroups admin page.

Make sure the option "Can be also used as Secondary Usergroup" is enabled for that Usergroups.

Then find Usergroups in User Profile setting page in Dashboard > Users > Edit users screen or in Forum Profile > Account page.


In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 15/07/2018 10:37 am
Lasikie and Gal reacted
Posts: 1602
Noble Member
Posted by: Robert
Posted by: Anonymous20

With the 1.5 update, the top menu is LOST for members. Disabling wpforo comes back (options to their profile, the Howdy, search,logoff).

The following capture is with wpForo DISABLED.

Please make sure again, that the "Show Admin Bar for Members" option is enabled in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features Tab.

Robert, a few post back we spoke about that. Enabling that created an black bar for ALL visitors.


Posted : 15/07/2018 10:53 am
Posts: 522
Honorable Member

Another PHP Error. When setting the forum page as the static from customize theme:

Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wpforo_get_shortcode_pageid() in /wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-includes/wpf-hooks.php:125

When setting from WP settings no error but it does create a new forum page with a new name like: "Forum page_on_front" (cannot remember if this expected behaviour).

Posted : 15/07/2018 5:57 pm
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