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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] New users default to usergroup admin

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New users default to usergroup admin (!) when created, how/where can I change that?

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Hi Dear @erik

1) For WordPress default usergroup change please visit Dashboard > Settings > General and find selectbox labeled " New User Default Role "

2) For wpForo default usergroup change please visit Dashboard > Forums > Usergroups and find links labeled " Set as Default "

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Hi @blackraz, thank you. I checked, there must be something wrong:

These are my settings:

Dashboard > Settings > General : default is 'subscriber'
Dashboard>Forums>Usergroups: default is 'registered'

Yet, when I create a new user in WP, the default forum usergroup is set to 'admin'

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 visit Dashboard > Forums > Usergroups and scroll down to the end, and make a sure auto-synch setting is set like the attached example image


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@blackraz , I don't have that table below usergroups...? See attached image

btw wpforo version is 1.7.1

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Please, go to Dashboard> Forums > Debug > Tables admin page and make sure all tables are created correctly. If you see database errors, just click on the [Solve Database Problems] button.

Also, go to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features and enable "Role-Usergroup Synchronization" option.



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Also, please let us know, do you have user Role Editor?

Have you done any customization of user role permissions? 


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No, we don't use User Role Editor. And as far as I know we didn't change role permissions, unless some plugin did without us knowing..


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No database errors

I have role-usergroup sychronization turned off, but that is on purpose.

I have a thought: is it possible, that when role-usergroup sychronization is disabled AND a new user is created in WP (by an admin, we have user-registration turned off), the script will simply take the first usergroup-ID (1) as default for forum usergroup? Which is admin. So unless you actively change that to a lower hierarchy before saving, the forum usergroup of the new user will be set to admin?



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This option can be disabled without any issue. I just asked to enable for testing purpose. This option doesn't force you to be enabled for this purpose. It's totally independent.

Please let us know what registration form you use. I think the problem is in the registration form.

Also, let us know what wpForo Addons you use if there is any.


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Hi @robert

We don't use any Addons currently

We only use the registration form in the backend, as only admins can add new users in our setup

I enabled Role-Usergroup Synchronization. I attached a screenshot of the lower section of the registration form. As you can see, the forum-usergroup is still set to admin ('beheerder'  in Dutch). WP user group = 'subscriber'


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Ok, then let us login and debug the problem from backend. Please send admin login details to info[at] email address.


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One more thing: now that I have enabled Role-Usergroup Synchronization, I can see the following table in the lower end of 'forum-usergroups' > see attached screenshot


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Hi @erik,

We just tested and didn't find such problem In both cases "UG Synch Enabled" and "UG Synch Disabled" the new registered user get "Registered" usergroup. There is no any problem.

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I'm afraid I'll have to disagree. I just tested by creating a new user with 'subscriber' - access to WP.

On the front-end this user is able to see all forums, including those that are set to be only accesible by admins...



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Here are our videos, all works just fine.

Please share your videos. I think you do something irregular. 


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Hi @martin

The video shows user registration from the frontend. We don't allow that, as I explained before.  You/Robert must have switched that on temporarily. I tried as well: FRom the frontend there is no problem.


Have you tried to create the new user from the backend as well? That is where the problem occurs.




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Ok, we'll check it tomorrow.


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Thank you @robert , your help is much appreciated 🙂 Have a nice evening!


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