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Went to the dashboard for step #1 suggestion.  Saw where changes should be made.  Worried that web host never told me that modifications might be required everywhere.  So sent this requirement to them saying that I might have opened up a "can of worms" and didn't want to get in further trouble.  I didn't think adding a plugin would require so much extra.  I'm just a beginning user and not a department with experts.  Before I go any further I'll see if my web host has any warnings for me. 

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I was making the setting changes suggested and when at wpForo>Boards I noticed that the slug entry was "community" which seems like that's where the problem is.   You said to "edit the board."  Previously I tried working with bbPress and they don't have the flexibility wpForo has.  But I read your docs and don't really understand what a Board is and your docs aren't extensive enough so a person can understand it well.  I'm supposed to edit it but I'm not sure exactly what to replace it with.

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Board is the discussion board you have, the board is the main page of your forum where all categories, forums and subforums are displayed. The Board slug/path is your forum main path /community/ so we recommend keep the same slug for the board and for the page it's attached. So the page slug and board slug should be the same but it's not mandatory.

The doc is good and it explains all you should know very well:


After each changes we recommend do the same steps:

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I made all the suggested changes and retested.  "Community" is changed to the website url because that seems like the intention.  Got the "forum not found" error again.  In rereading the docs I thought "board" to WP might be "bulletin board" as with bbPress.  It might also mean "DashBOARD".  I wish it could get figured out to get it "on board."

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The project started out as a 2017 theme with four scrolling pages.  The first page was recognized as page #1 and sequential page control is important.  Then the thought came to add a forum.  The wpForo plugin creates a main page which it labels FORUM and has a “community” designation.  However, it seems that the 2017 Home Page for scrolling is required and looked at as Front Page.  The docs say that wpForo is programmed using short code avoiding system choices.  Perhaps WordPress programming could conflict with wpForo’s processing because of short code vs predefined choices.   2017 already had page names (slugs) specified and “community” was already designated.  Any changes could trip things up because of “apples and oranges” which seems to be happening as names have been changed to make things conform.

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I read in docs about boards in wpforo-v2.  I was confused before because it said “forum pages are called Boards and are not regular pages.”  But if you go to Pages in the Dashboard it shows Forum as a page.  In the docs it also says that “Boards are not Forum Categories”, but actually it is a “discussion” and not a “forum/subforum” either.  Also if you edit Forum as a page you see “community” as a slug which to the uninitiated makes one think it is a folder in MS-DOS terms.  But it probably is something in WordPress programming which is more complicated yet.

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