As you can see on the attached screen, I actually have this orange button with "S'inscrire pour les nouveau topics".
My problem is that I can't find this sentence into wpforo/phrases settings pages
I also installed the Loco translate plugin, and same problem : this sentence doesn't appears into Loco translation => Extensions => wpforo => French ...
Thanks in advance for your help 🙂
Another exemple of page with mix of french and english (my Wordpress general language is on french)
I am running the latest 2.1 update for wpForo and having a problem locating the file to translate the"Author" word in Turkish.
Please note that .mo and .po files do not contain this word.
You can use wpForo Front-end Phrases.
Navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Phrases and edit/translate all phrases. Search for certain phrase, edit and put the translated value. If you didn't find some phrase, you can add it as well. Just use the [Add New] button. Insert phrase key the identical English phrase and the value can be the translated version.