I'm having trouble getting the mapping from WP Role to WPforo usergroup to work properly. I have a user in a "subscriber" role which is mapped to a "member" usergroup. Even after doing the synch, the member usergroup is not showing for the user. Below is a video of what I mean. Can you help me figure out what might be going on? Thanks!
Hi @ldpconnect,
Please navigate to Dashboard > wpForo > Overview, and Press "Synch User Profiles" button.
Please check which usergroups have the problem with viewing the Forum. It's only "Member" or there are others as well.
And what Plugins do you have which can affect on Users?
It's very strange; it seems to be working now. Sometimes it moves people out of the usergroup I give them. I only have two groups: "active" with access, and "No Access" without it. I guess we can consider this issue closed for the moment. Thanks for your help.