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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] How to add the atribute Nofollow+noopener+noreferer to the external links?

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Is possible to implement the attribute Nofollow+noopener+noreferer to the external links in wpforo to avoid any linkjuice to pass to external websites and this way avoid SEO's Spamming?


Kind regards

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Hi @ferreidea,

Sorry for the late response.

wpForo add nofollow to all external links automatically. 

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@alvina we know that and is good, but we want to add the Nofollow+noopener+noreferer atribute such other forums does.

This type of atrubute do not transfer any authority to the external linking site... so this way we can avoid SPAM on our forum site of SEO's trying to gain authority to their sites by puting the link in ours..


Please see the atatched screenshot to undertand better what we are talking about.


Kind regards

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I'm sorry but wpForo doesn't have such a functionality.

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@alvina I am sorry but this is not true. As you can see in the code (see attached file). So how to set all internal links as "nofollow" ?

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I don't recommend you to make all your internal link to nofollow.

Please read the post below:

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Hi, I know but I am not talking about internal links.

Where is the option to make the links from my wpforo forum pointing to an external website as no follow ?

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Posted by: @manuo84

So how to set all internal links as "nofollow" ?

This is what you wrote above.


Posted by: @manuo84

Where is the option to make the links from my wpforo forum pointing to an external website as no follow ?

wpForo adds nofollow to all external links automatically.

Also, you can choose nofollow or dofollow by the link button, which inserts a URL to the Word/Sentence. Before submitting the post, if you let the Open Link In New Tab Checkbox selected, wpForo system will choose "rel" attribute by the link type.

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Posted by: @chris

This is what you wrote above.

@chris Yes my bad : I would like to say external links.

Posted by: @chris

wpForo adds nofollow to all external links automatically.

I am sorry but this is not true. As you can see in the source code (see attached file).

Posted by: @chris

Also, you can choose nofollow or dofollow by the link button, which inserts a URL to the Word/Sentence. Before submitting the post, if you let the Open Link In New Tab Checkbox selected, wpForo system will choose "rel" attribute by the link type.

I don't see any option about "no follow". You are talking about the "no opener" wich is not what I am talking about.


The problem is :

As a SEO guy, I don't want to give free backlinks trough my wpforo forum.

Why don't you put an option to set all external links from the forum as no follow ?

This is an important feature which is missing.


Thank you for your reply.

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Insert the below code in wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-includes/functions.php


function wpforo_nofollow(

and replace the content of the code with the below code(the content start with {  )

   $ret = $match[0];
   if( apply_filters( 'wpforo_external_link_nofollow', true ) ){
      $dofollow          = array_filter( array_map( "trim", explode( "\n", WPF()->tools_misc['dofollow'] ) ) );
      $request_uri_parse = parse_url( wpforo_get_request_uri() );
      $main_host         = preg_replace( '#^.*?([^\.]+?\.[^\.]+?)$#isu', '$1', $request_uri_parse['host'] );
      $link_url          = parse_url( $match[1] );
        if( strpos($match[1], $main_host) === false && !(!empty($dofollow) && !empty($link_url['host']) && in_array($link_url['host'], $dofollow)) ){
           $ret = preg_replace_callback(
                    $rels = array_filter( preg_split('#\s#u', $m[1]) );
                    $rels = array_merge( array('nofollow'), $rels );
                    return sprintf('rel="%1$s"', implode(' ', $rels));
            if( !$count ) $ret = str_replace('>', ' rel="nofollow">', $match[0]);
    return $ret;


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@chris, Perhaps the problem with nofollow is due to a bug in the Visual Editor? Look at the screenshots, please.
Depending on how the user places the link, a nofollow attribute is attached to the link or not.
If you just insert a link into the comment input window, then it is obtained with nofollow, but without noopener. And if you insert a link through a button in the Visual Editor, then the link is obtained without nofollow, but with noopener. This can be seen in 2 screenshots.
How can I fix the Visual Editor function so that all outgoing links are nofollow and noopener without fixing the /wpf-includes/functions.php file?

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No matter you are using Visual Editor Or Text Edit, if you don't want to make changes on functions.php file, you can wait for wpForo 2.0 version, i n the new version all external links are with noopener and nofollow.

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@chris Great news! When can we expect version 2.0 approximately?

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No ETA yest but it will be available in FH of 2022

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