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[Solved] Ultimate Member integration documentation

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The site on which I am working has WpForo and Ultimate Member installed.  Can somebody point me in the right direction for documentation on how to set up integration between these two please?

Many thanks


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Posts: 3649
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Hi @cihomewood,

Ultimate Member is well integrated in wpForo and there are several options for Ultimate Member which are`

  • Profile Page.
  • Replace Registration Page URL to Forum Registration Page URL.
  • Replace Login Page URL to Forum Login Page URL.
  • Replace Reset Password Page URL to Forum Reset Password Page URL.
  • Replace Author Avatar with Forum Profile Avatar.
  • Ultimate Member Notification Integration.
  • Ultimate Member Profile Forum Tab Integration.

You can find those option in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features Tab.

Custom Authorization URL's (where you can insert Ultimate Member short codes) option is in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Members Tab.


Read N7 Ultimate Member plugin integration from this link:



Posts: 6
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Joined: 3 years ago

Thanks Chris