On the other hand, editing directly the db (for anything) is an open invitation for trouble. +1 I do not touch db with a 10 foot pole.
I'm using 'Wordfence Security' to protect my sites and it does pretty good job.
if yo need room for widgets then: #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-content{ width: 73%; }#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-right-sidebar { width: 24%;} or left...
it may take 2-3 months until google will index your site. it is a long process, have a cigar and coffee 🙂
I was suggesting WP Super Cache.You can install it and check. I'm using super cache for years without any problem.
2 pages, 2 short-codes, 2 menu items on the main/landing page, just another plugin...
from my experience, error 500 is as result of maybe multiple sessions when using NAT protocol. Reset modem/router, clear cookies from browser and you'...
502 bad gateway error when clicking on topics. I had many of these during development and testing of few sites at the same time. In my case it was a s...
I've added "Forum Search" widget to my main blog page and it works. The drawback is that I have 2 search widgets - one for the blog and another one fo...
@Sofy , @Robert I think that should be added an option to keep the user as no active, keep his/her post/comments but to mark with over-strike his name...
UpdraftPlus WordPress Backup Plugin does not require any knowledge, one click and that it. the good thing it also restores perfectly 🙂 requires some ...
Thank you for the answer. ... solved Can you share with us the resolution? Thanks.
As an admin of few bloggers and forums, i think that one of the wishes of the site owner is to have rich content and a-lot. keeping history helps SEO ...
Posted by: Eziz what way I need follow after install jetpack? could toy help me? I do nothing. The heavy duty work is done by Wordfence and I only rea...
Is problem solved now? Yes. long time ago.