@marsm In my wpforo forum, there are over 230,000 posts and more than 12,000 members. Enabling cache in wpforo will be very helpful, especially in red...
@dimalifragis This is one of the sub-forums in my forum. As you can see, it has 68 pages and each page is set to have 15 post titles. If you ope...
You can do that using css, @tutrix
You can backup the database through phpMyAdmin because wpForo does not have the export-import feature.
Why do you want to move the forum to WordPress, specifically using wpForo? Are there any shortcomings with the SMF software? I have a forum that us...
Agreed. That is a bad start in 2024.
Your website cannot be opened. 403 Forbidden
@lilla-uveges This feature will not be available for at least the next two years. You can see what the wpForo developers are working on here/span>
What are you saying? I use wpForo on PHP version 8.1 without any problems.
Congrats 🤗 🤗
@dimalifragis Of course, but I don't completely agree with you that the new feature won't bring traffic. The new feature will make it easier for users...
@dimalifragis The internet has changed rapidly, adapt or die. That's why Elon Musk created his own social media called X which will pay its content cr...
Looks amazing. I think the internet is changing rapidly nowadays. What happens on Twitter, Stackoverflow, Quora, and other social media platforms is v...