@robert For me now works perfectly! Thank you so much for solving this bug so fast. All the best 🙂 Andy
@robert For me now works perfectly! Thank you so much for solving this bug so fast. All the best 🙂 Andy
@robert For me now works perfectly! Thank you so much for solving this bug so fast. All the best 🙂 Andy
@martin amazing thank you so much!!!!
@dlinstedt I've no complaints either, I also love the plugin and the assistance and I'm sure they are going to find the solution. By the way, I'm ...
@alvina Robert already connected on our website (saw from the logs). Email subject is: "Admin credentials"
@dlinstedt I also have the same problem and I think that @robert is investigating. Hope they can solve this issue soon 🙁
@ayo365 I have the same issue, do you know what they did in order to solve your problem?
@robert Also this bug is linked to these problems of the following post: Everything is linked after the last update of wpforo versions. ...
@robert Done now! Thanks in advance and I hope you can fix this issue as soon as possible as this is really critical for us 😓 . Thanks for the und...
@robert Dear Robert same issues as other users already described in other post. Can't edit anything. Looks like a javascript problem. You can find a...
@robert thank you so much. Worked for me. 😊 Best Andy
@sofy Thank you for your reply. Actually I was aware of wpForo anti-spam features and we have enabled them time ago. Unfortunately, we are still exper...
@sofy @robert Do you have any news or suggestions regarding this Issue? Really appreciated. 😊 All the best! Andy
@teslariit @sofy @robert yes this is exactly what I need. I think this is an important feature (I know that in vbulletin is possible). We should link ...