Estimable Member
Topics: 20 / Replies: 109
RE: The last update caused post url issue

@robert For me, when I just tried to link directly to the same post in this thread it didn't work. The LONG link which mimics what recent posts does...

2 years ago
RE: The last update caused post url issue

Quick note.... I am using the following hook in my functions file that you shared a few months back. add_filter('wpforo_build_direct_unread_post_url...

2 years ago
RE: The last update caused post url issue

Well... I am getting complaints from other users, so something happened with the most recent update to the Recent Posts Widget

2 years ago
RE: The last update caused post url issue

Maybe a caching issue? Noticing it sometimes works and other times it doesn't? Seems to work all thee time on my phone. Strange...

2 years ago
RE: The last update caused post url issue

@robert I am getting the same problem with the widget since the update. Instead of going to the most recent post, it is taking users to the top of t...

2 years ago
RE: Latest/ most recent replies first.

@studio500 He gave you the code above.

2 years ago
RE: Point System (Part 2)

@tutrix It is strange, I am cutting an pasting the code just like I always have for each update that has come along. It was only with 2.1 where it b...

2 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 615
RE: Quotation box disappeared

@dimalifragis True... The visual representation was buggy in my opinion. Easy to mess up with a single errant keystroke. So if something new comes a...

2 years ago
RE: Quotation box disappeared

In my case, I had a phpBB message board for 19 years and this is exactly how it worked on that software. So my users are very much used to it. So that...

2 years ago
RE: Quotation box disappeared

This was done on purpose. It makes for easier editing when quoting another user. I love it.

2 years ago
RE: wpForo 2.1 is released!

That was it... My 15min load number is now back to normal at .85!

2 years ago
RE: wpForo 2.1 is released!

This fixed the server load issues right away! The 1min average is way down and the 15min average is going down quickly as well!  2022-1...

2 years ago
RE: wpForo 2.1.0 is released!

It's been weird... nothing else has change on my site. It was just as I updated that it got bad. I am moving to a new host in December. One that han...

2 years ago
RE: wpForo 2.1.0 is released!

Still a very heavy load on my server after this upgrade. I thought by now it would have calmed down quite a bit. The 15min load number on the far righ...

2 years ago
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