Eminent Member
Topics: 8 / Replies: 22
RE: Litespeed Cache

Hey, have lightspeed as well and run into some cache problems initially. This guide helped me: Goodluck!

4 years ago
RE: Site/Forum slow

Hi @robert, Thanks for your reply. Have disabled and delete cache plugins. I think I don't have that issue. Results are still loading on my end fo...

4 years ago
RE: Disable Email Notification on New Reply

@sofy awesome. This is what I'm looking for. Sorry for this noob question but where should I put this code? on the style section?

4 years ago
RE: Site/Forum slow

Hi @sofy, Thanks for your reply.  Did disable the auto drafting already. I guess it helps a little. Okay, but there would be no way to notify...

4 years ago
RE: Site/Forum slow

As per hosting, "slowness still happens, mostly related to the following admin-ajax.php calls. You'll need to look into optimising the wpforo installa...

4 years ago
RE: Disable Email Notification on New Reply

@alvina Thanks for your reply but that isn't the problem. 

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 996
RE: Disable Email Notification on New Reply

@alvina really? That's hard to believe. Even a code or something that can do that anything. Those emails are causing my site to lag because of too m...

4 years ago
RE: Disable Email Notification on New Reply

Additional question: Does this code still works? or there is another way to not let editors see admin bar for wordpress. function my_admin_bar_con...

4 years ago
RE: Disable Email Notification on New Reply

Oh wrong, that's the User Mentioning that I disabled. There's no option to disable "New reply notification email subject:". Let me know if there's...

4 years ago
RE: Disable Email Notification on New Reply

Just found it on the Email tab. Thank you!

4 years ago
RE: Going Live

@robert Sweet! Just did it. Thank you so much again! Have a great weekend ahead and stay safe!

4 years ago
RE: Going Live

@martin Oh shoot, i'm pretty sure I've disabled litespeed before. Dang it! Disabled it now. Thanks for the link, if everything goes well, I might no...

4 years ago
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