@dmlphotography, If you need to connect your main website users to forum users, then you should use wpForo in a separate page in your website. So, a...
@709298-summer, Please leave a screenshot of the Forums > Usergroups admin page. BTW, if the role changing plugin doesn't use the standard Word...
@bono, Please enable and click it. This is a very important button and this doesn't have any issue in current version.
No, you cannot. They are totally different things, and they open different content when you click the links.
Hi @jatin, This issue has been fixed in the latest version. Please update the addon to the latest 1.0.3 version. Then go to Dashboard > Forums &g...
@wpforofan2, Any screenshot? I don't follow you.
@wpforofan2, Please read my reply again, I've updated it a few minutes ago, you've checked a wrong option.
@jasontoth, The inserting of @nickname can be disabled by disabling the "Show Member Mention Nicknames" option in Dashboard >Forums > Setting...
@percysgrowroom, Yes, only the _wpforo_forums table.
@wpforofan2, This is not a bug. I think you've disabled the "Show Member Mention Nicknames" option in Dashboard >Forums > Settings > Featu...
@vinnyusestrict, Please make sure the integration doesn't conflict with wpForo email templates and email overwriting options in Forums > Settings...
@percysgrowroom, It doesn't matter. Your website with the forum is actively used, and you have lots of plugins on it. There are tons of different, s...
Or maybe go further to 10.4 (the 10.5 and 10.6 is not recommended either).
@percysgrowroom, You are using Maria DB 10.3, this is still considered as a new version, so I'd not recommend it yet. It's better to stay on 10.1 ve...
@percysgrowroom, I'd recommend you contact to hosting support and let them know. They'll say the reason of this problem. It's either, the MySQL serv...