Support Team
Topics: 1 / Replies: 942
RE: Switching to wpforo to use the entire suite

@dmlphotography, If you need to connect your main website users to forum users, then you should use wpForo in a separate page in your website. So, a...

4 years ago
RE: Assigning Multiple Usergroup to a Single User

@709298-summer, Please leave a screenshot of the Forums > Usergroups admin page. BTW, if the role changing plugin doesn't use the standard Word...

4 years ago
RE: Unread topics

@bono, Please enable and click it. This is a very important button and this doesn't have any issue in current version.

4 years ago
RE: Merge Forum Privacy Policy and Forum Rules Checkbox into one

No, you cannot. They are totally different things, and they open different content when you click the links.

4 years ago
RE: Topic Prefix count mismatch with the number of Posts

Hi @jatin, This issue has been fixed in the latest version. Please update the addon to the latest 1.0.3 version. Then go to Dashboard > Forums &g...

4 years ago
RE: Add username of last poster to "unread posts"

@wpforofan2, Any screenshot? I don't follow you.

4 years ago
RE: Reply does not insert user name anymore (since 1.9.9)

@wpforofan2, Please read my reply again, I've updated it a few minutes ago, you've checked a wrong option.

4 years ago
RE: Turn off inserting @nickname when click the reply button

@jasontoth, The inserting of @nickname can be disabled by disabling the "Show Member Mention Nicknames" option in Dashboard >Forums > Setting...

4 years ago
RE: Forum is down again!

@percysgrowroom, Yes, only the _wpforo_forums table.

4 years ago
RE: Reply does not insert user name anymore (since 1.9.9)

@wpforofan2, This is not a bug. I think you've disabled the "Show Member Mention Nicknames" option in Dashboard >Forums > Settings > Featu...

4 years ago
RE: post/reply via email?

@vinnyusestrict, Please make sure the integration doesn't conflict with wpForo email templates and email overwriting options in Forums > Settings...

4 years ago
RE: Only my forum site is down

@percysgrowroom, It doesn't matter. Your website with the forum is actively used, and you have lots of plugins on it. There are tons of different, s...

4 years ago
RE: My site seems to be loading slower since the recent update.

Or maybe go further to 10.4 (the 10.5 and 10.6 is not recommended either).

4 years ago
RE: My site seems to be loading slower since the recent update.

@percysgrowroom, You are using Maria DB 10.3, this is still considered as a new version, so I'd not recommend it yet. It's better to stay on 10.1 ve...

4 years ago
RE: Only my forum site is down

@percysgrowroom, I'd recommend you contact to hosting support and let them know. They'll say the reason of this problem. It's either, the MySQL serv...

4 years ago
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