Thank you very much. It worked.
@robert Thanks
I am also waiting for this update. It is very important feature. Thanks for support.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much. Also, can I change the color of signature?
It is better, thank you very much for all your efforts. I appreciate you
I added wrong picture. True one is attached. 2021-06-11_170735.jpg
Thank you for support. I know I take your time. But I have already excluded the forum from cache. Forum pages are not cached. I attach screen capture....
@robert The color problem recurred. I had reset style settings. It had become corrected. But the color of quote now became black again. I do not know ...
Thank you @robert. You were right. Both problem were solved.
You may really be pessimist
I noticed now that the colors is corrected only in desktop appearence. When I try to connect by mobile, it gives same error. Quote box is black. Pleas...