Trusted Member
Topics: 11 / Replies: 22
RE: Partially doesn't work

@dimalifragis Thank you very much, the issue was that plugin JQuery Updater was currupted. I reinstalled it and wpForo began to work normally.

2 years ago
RE: Social Login - different behaviour on test and live version

OSL support discovered the problem. It is Akismet integrated with wpForo. It puts his hidden input to the place of source code where social buttons sh...

4 years ago
RE: Social Login - different behaviour on test and live version

No exteranal cache for any WP Foro pages. Thanks, I'll write to OSL support.

4 years ago
RE: wpForo slows site - useless wp_posts calls

@robert, Yes, I have test.* version of my site. I disabled all plugins except wpForo and Query Monitor - the problem remained. Still slow "wpForo"...

4 years ago
RE: wpForo slows site - useless wp_posts calls

As for lookback issue, I don't now how actually locate it. I've installed Site Heath plugin, it reports: Your site couldn't complete loopback requ...

4 years ago
RE: wpForo slows site - useless wp_posts calls

@robert The URL of the page is DB is MySQL 5.7.22 (InnoDB is on) The report of Query Monitor regarding functions of this slow queries: WP_Que...

4 years ago
RE: wpForo slows site - useless wp_posts calls

Screen #2 - part of slow queries list q_wpforo2.png Screen #3 - wpForo deactivated. The page generates during just 1,58 seconds (red strip on top...

4 years ago
RE: Limit length of link text?

@alvina, thanks for discovering the problem. I've fixed it by adding "width: 730px" to "#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-post .wpforo-post-content" in sty...

4 years ago
RE: No reg and reset password emails

@martin Yes, these options are already on, but doesn't help. I'l try switch off  "Anyone can register"? thanks!  

4 years ago
RE: No reg and reset password emails

@martin It was disabled in server config with redirect to wpForo's login page. Whould  "Anyone can register" option in WordPress prevent spammers...

4 years ago
RE: No reg and reset password emails

@martin, my forum is (sorry, its in Russian) Well it seems to me that the reason is exactly wp-login.php. When I make it available from the web a...

4 years ago
RE: Qucik insert nicename in a message?

Hm, but "Reply" button replaces all text in message area. It may be not good when user needs to mention a few people or add nicename to some text.

4 years ago
RE: Qucik insert nicename in a message?

Ah! Shame on me 🙂 Thanks again.

4 years ago
RE: Underlined links problem

@martin It works, thank you!  

4 years ago
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