Eminent Member
Topics: 8 / Replies: 24
RE: How to Deal With the WP Cache plugin

@Chris I don't get email notifications even though I am registered so I apologise for being slack in checking in again here. You must be right to ...

2 years ago
RE: How to Deal With the WP Cache plugin

@ Chris Is there some reason why this has gone unanswered since it was posted on October 30? I see today that it has had 61 views yet no one has giv...

2 years ago
RE: login redirecting to front page

@Chris, Astra seems to have been the problem with reCapture and with the left margin. It's running on iBusiness while the Astra guys look into it.' ...

2 years ago
RE: Left margin on some pages has gone, fix?

@Chris, I tried those modifications but couldn't make it work. However I did notice that reCapture was working with Shuttle but I think the Astra gu...

2 years ago
RE: login redirecting to front page

@Chris, I admire your grit but this just gets worse and worse. My earlier installs of wpForo have worked without the recapture and on Astra but we've ...

2 years ago
RE: Left margin on some pages has gone, fix?

I was/am using Astra because it was good with earlier wpForo however you do prove that the theme is the problem as Shuttle allows the left margin and ...

2 years ago
RE: login redirecting to front page

@chris what did you do? They are working for me now, too but were not working last time I checked; I did disable the plugin to look at another one....

2 years ago
RE: login redirecting to front page

@chris Ok thanks for that link but it conflicts with wpForo v2 Documentation Single Board Forum: Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Goog...

2 years ago
RE: login redirecting to front page

@Chris I am able to get to the Register page via the Please Login or Register on the post. At least there is a way but then there's new issue; reCap...

2 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 549
RE: Left margin on some pages has gone, fix?

I use these privileges which have not created problems with two earlier installations of wpForo but there have been updates since then, so I thought t...

2 years ago
RE: Left margin on some pages has gone, fix?

I tried the Twenty Twenty theme but it did not bring back the left margin and brought in new problems

2 years ago
RE: Left margin on some pages has gone, fix?

BTW, that inspect code above, is not having any effect today. In other words, there is no left margin with it in and none with it out.

2 years ago
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