Hi, I came across an interesting problem where I set 5 posts for moderation to delete later, but then I went and deleted the forum that the posts were in. This seemed to cause an issue now that I can't see the moderated posts in order to delete them but the backend still tells me that they are there.
Is there anyway to fix this? My OCD is wanting me to clear the red 5 circle every time I look at it.
Hi @moptop,
These are damaged thread created by spammers. Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard and click the [Clean Up] button. Then check the Dashboard > Forums > Moderation admin page, they should be deleted.
Thank you for the suggestion, unfortunately that did not delete the missing moderation topics.
This is a closed forum, so there is no chance of spammers. I'm pretty sure it was caused from the issue I described in my original post.
Hi @moptop,
Please give us administrator credentials that we could solve the issue, send administrator credentials by this mail: info[at]gvectors.com