I thought I had everything working, but many of my users told me about this problem. Checking with another browser (Opera) than the one I currently use (Edge), I saw they are right. I have triple checked (at least) my settings in wpForo, and the menu, I don't see anything wrong. Even disabling most of my WP plugins does not change a thing.
What should I look at to find the problem?
Hi @le-bear,
Please provide admin access to your website, send the credentials to info[at]gvectors.com, mention this topic in the email and let me know here that the email is sent.
Your issues (and others that you don't even know) may come from this plugin W3TC. A plugin to AVOID since it creates much more issues than any other caching plugin.
Why you don't follow wpForo FAQ not to use ANY caching for wpforo plugin.
<head><style>img.lazy{min-height:1px}</style><link rel="preload" href=" https://lebearcnc.com/wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/pub/js/lazyload.min.js " as="script"> <meta charset="UTF-8">
<div id="wpf-msg-box"></div> <script>window.w3tc_lazyload=1,window.lazyLoadOptions={elements_selector:".lazy",callback_loaded:function(t){var e;try{e=new CustomEvent("w3tc_lazyload_loaded",{detail:{e:t}})}catch(a){(e=document.createEvent("CustomEvent")).initCustomEvent("w3tc_lazyload_loaded",!1,!1,{e:t})}window.dispatchEvent(e)}}</script><script async src=" https://lebearcnc.com/wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/pub/js/lazyload.min.js "></script></body> </html>