I just installed this plugin and I didn't know what I was doing and I created two forums without parent categories and now I can't see them. My forum summary shows that I have 5 forums but I can only see three of them. Where do I find them? They are throwing errors that Google Search Console can find: https://kathukat.com/community/
But not I nor my subscribers can see them? I just want to delete them.. Please help.
Hi @kathukat,
You have two critical problems on the forum page. You should fix these two problems before looking for your forums.
1. The cache plugin called Hummingbird Performance kills the forum, please exclude forum page from this cache plugin asap. There should be way to exclude certain page with all subpages from a cache plugin, check all options of this plugin or contact the support team. You should exclude both:
- /community
- /community/*
Here is the detailed explanation of this issue: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wpforo-and-cache-plugins/
2. You are using both sidebars, first is the wpForo one second is the page sidebar provided by your theme. You should not duplicate sidebars, wpForo sidebar can be removed if you drag the "Online members" widget from wpForo sidebar and put it to the page right sidebar, so the forum sidebar will be automatically removed once it becomes empty. Please read the documentation: https://wpforo.com/docs/root/getting-started/forum-sidebar-and-widgets/wpforo-sidebar/
3. Your forum page is under hard caching, so you'll never see any dynamic changes you do, you'll not see forums as well. So please follow the two points mentioned above and fix the problems. Also, please read the information displayed at the top of Dashboard > Forums > Forums admin page. Make sure all forums have a parent category. Categories will not be displayed if they don't have child forums.
Hi @robert,
Thank you so much for this!
1. Okay so I added the /community as well as the /community/ strings and the URL exclusions now look like this on my Hummingbird page cache section:
2. I also removed the wpForo sidebar - I saw what I did there and I'm just shaking my head... I put the "online users" in my theme sidebar which works great.
3. I'm pretty sure I fixed everything, but please do check, I would appreciate it a lot. Then please also let me know where I can find those pesky parent-less forums.
Apart from missing fonts, there are also other errors, Mixed Content, MIME errors,
The webmaster must press F12, see the console errors and fix them.
Also totally remove this "hummingbird" whatever plugin. It seems to be the cause of those.