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[Solved] Emojis now showing as question marks all of a sudden!

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Posted by: @blackraz

please also check the table's character set

Apologies @BlackRaz - I'm not familiar with databases - is this what you mean?

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You can try deactivating all other plugins to see if the issue is resolved. If the problem persists, it may not be solvable without code debugging.


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thanks @blackraz 

I've now done that on my old forum - disabled all plugins, re-enabled wp-foro, but the problem persists

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I have another forum on the same web host that I don't really use any more, and that also has the same issue

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I did raise a ticket with my web host some time ago, before posting here. Personally, I think now the issue is on their side.

But they cannot see a server issue, and no one else has reported an issue (shared hosting) ... so all they suggest is a site restore.

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Can you send the admin details to our support[at] email, to allow our developers debug codes?

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Sure @blackraz 

I see someone already sign-in and posted a few mins ago ... I just elevated to Admin. Is that OK ?

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Good 😉

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Our developers have not identified any issues related to Unicode. It's possible that this problem is associated with LiteSpeed hosting. To investigate this further, could you consider cloning the entire WordPress site using a plugin like 'WP Clone' or another method, and then migrate it to a different hosting environment? After that, please send us the cloned backup to allow our developers to run it on our local machines for testing.

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wow! Amazing level of support, @blackraz 🏆 

Thanks so much for looking into this for me. 🙏 

It's getting late here, so will look at this tomorrow.

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