Hi @blackraz - apologies, but I will not be able help further as I don't have access to a different host to use. Let me know if you have any other suggestions.
It will be interesting to see if other WPforo users on LiteSpeed servers also experience this issue (although I wonder how common emojis are ?)
As a test, I pasted all the emojis from here on Wikipedia into my forum here (several replies).
Weirdly, a few of them do stilll work, specifically:
In addition, I can enter characters to auto-generate a smiley, like this: : ) ... : - ) ... etc
I have no idea what these few have in common, to make them display OK !
✨ Sparkles
✅ Check Mark Button
⚡ High Voltage
⏩ Fast-Forward Button
⏪ Fast Reverse Button
Hi @diegopino 👋 ... hope you can help!
I see that you had this exact same problem a few months ago >
Could you tell me how you managed to solve it?
What did your host have to do, to fix the problem?
Hi @blackraz ... or maybe @chris or @robert could help? 🙂
To recap: all emojis display OK in a normal WP page, no problem (here).
When I add emojis into a forum post, they display OK at first, but are lost when I save the forum post, turning into '??' as here.
It looks like it's not only me with this issue, but I am no good with databases!
I wonder if you could pass these links onto your tech support ? Maybe they will help at your end, or you could advise on action from my side?
Mysql unable to store emoji in utf8mb4 collation
This code is provided as a solution for some setups, when added to functions.php .
I am not a coder ... Could you help me to customise it for use with WPforo ?
add_filter ( 'wp_insert_post_data', function ( $data, $postarr ) { if ( ! empty ( $data ['post_content'] ) ) { $data ['post_content'] = wp_encode_emoji ( $data ['post_content'] ); } return $data; }, 99, 2 );