I liked the plugin and I have implemented this plugin in my financial community but I do not like its SEO.
Firstly, there is an issue with not showing proper description in google search engine. Please check the attached image file: Google Organic Description.png for reference.
Find below my observation:
1. When I search some text which is mentioned in center of the article in quora then it is properly searching the text from whole content and showing in the description and based on that it is bringing website on the top list.
2. Same thing when I search some text which is mentioned in center of the article in my website: wikifinancepedia.com then it is not properly searching the text from whole content and not showing in the description as well as not showing my website on the top list.
3. I tried to search some random text mentioned in my article but everytime when searching in google it shows initial sentences instead of relevant content.
If there is no fix for this then, I will have to move to other plugin as this is important for me. As it is not getting populated through organic search.
Hi wikifinancepedia,
Please note, that wpForo generates meta tags based on your topic title and first post content. You can view source of your topics and check those content. For example this page:
Meta Data for Google are:
This is maximum can do forum for Google. wpForo can't directly customize the description of search result. This is made by Google, and I don't think there is any forum which can do this. You can try other forums and see the result.
This is limiting my organic search users which is not good for me. I need to find some solution for it.
For example: when I search text "single entry system problems and solutions wikifinancepedia" in google, I see that if finds the text from whole blog post and search it due to which my blog post comes on the top list. Check the attached screenshot "Wikifinancepedia - Blog Post.png"
My Findings: when I see the background code of my blog post Single Entry System I see that is no tag like <meta name="description"> and all my blog post are google search engine friendly.
Conclusion: If the solution to this problem is this tag then is there a way to comment or disable this code in this plugin?