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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Login and Forum issue

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I just installed the plugin and I've found 4 issues.  If someone knows how to fix these, I'd be very grateful.  In the meantime, I'm disabling the plugin until we can troubleshoot further.


1. My login page that I've already had is being covered by the wpforo login page.

2. There is double of every tab in the forum AND 2 forum pages in the dashboard.

3. There is a 404 error on the forum page.  

4. Under the 404 error, it says "You can go to the Forum Homepage..." and that only takes them to the website homepage.  So I don't see any forum.  


Here is a screenshot:

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Hi @kronos1,

1. My login page that I've already had is being covered by the wpforo login page.

Use the Custom Authorization URLs option. More info here:

2. There is double of every tab in the forum AND 2 forum pages in the dashboard.

wpForo menu is a regular menu. In Dashboard > Appearance > Menu admin page wpForo creates new navigation menu called “wpForo Navigation (wpForo Menu)”. So just manage the menu here:

3. There is a 404 error on the forum page.  

We don't follow you well with the last two points. Please explain how you get the 404 error.