I have problems too. My page isn´t showing correctly since the update. Please have a look at it. I clicked the button for the css update and updated the addons
wpForo Advanced Attachments and wpForo Embed.
How about this:
<script src=" https://ajax.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/scripts/7089c43e/cloudflare-static/rocket-loader.min.js
Please help me fast because the page is live!
Interesting is, when you open the forum included in a Page like here https://www.casinotricks24.net/forum/ it is showing normal. But if you activate forum only in the settings it makes the error on the root domain https://www.casinotricks24.net
@dnkrockzzzzz1, @verek, @mondesensuel,
I think we found the design crashing problem maker. This issue only exists if you enabled the "Turn WordPress to wpForo" option in Forums > Settings > General Tab. So just confirm that all you use the same option. We're preparing the update, you don't need to disable that option.