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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Redirect problem

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I was messing something around with the menus and suddenly my wpforo forum's login and register button kinda stopped working how they worked before and how i want them to work. Now when i click the register button it just redirects to page which says "this page could not be found" and login button redirects to wordpress login page.


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Now i found out that when i type my website/admin to get to the wordpress frontpage to login and customize my site but instead of that it takes me to the forum loginpage. They are kinda like reverted now 😀

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UPDATE I did something (don't know what) but now the login is working normally inside forum. Register button still redirects to "website/%wpforo-register%" but it says "this page could not be found".

Now when the login works i got another problem and its when i want to log in to wordpress normally like i did before "website/admin" to customize my website it redirects me to the forum login.

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Sorry for doing a blog here, but now somehow everything is working now EXCEPT the one when i type "mywebsitename/admin" to get to wordpress and customize my site it redirects me to the forum login.

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Posts: 1867

Hi @miikinki,

Please navigate to the Dashboard > Forums  > Settings > Features admin page, find and make sure the following options are disabled:

. Replace Registration Page URL to Forum Registration Page URL - NO

. Replace Login Page URL to Forum Login Page URL - NO

More info here:

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Thank you very much for help!!