When posting a new topic it is very slow, 4 - 5 seconds. How do I speed this up? I'm using version Version 1.7.0 https://www.vinow.com/wwwtalk/
Since this is a large forum, could be email sending or just some performance of the server and db.
1. I think the server is ok it's current and dedicated. PHP is 7.2.28 & MYSQL 5.6.40.
2. No errors or issues under the Error & Issues Tab of WPforo.
3. No errors in the .log file
4. Emails look to be sending correctly. Any way to disable the email sending if this can be a cause.
5. I have deactivated all plugins but wpforo but post & replying is still very slow.
If you have no errors, then the 2 possible reasons are what i posted. Server or email sending.
There are some excellent debugging tools plugins for WP, that allow you to find bottleneck, sql queries etc etc.
Like this:
I also see that there is some load in your forums ...
I have installed Query Monitor and I'm not seeing an errors. But I am seeing 4 slow queries for wpforo.