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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Subscribe a user to a forum category (new topics and posts) without action on his part

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We use wpForo on Wordpress as an intranet portal and forum categories was created for each department.
Users have access to categories depending on usergroups. And we need to ensure that all users who have access to a specific forum category are automatically subscribed to all new topics and answers in this category.

Could you tell, please how can the forum administrator forcibly sign users to new topics and posts in a category?

Yes, we know that we can enable automatic subscription to the forum and topics in the forum settings. But this will only work if the user enters the forum and clicks on the appropriate links (or turned on the checkbox). Is it possible in advance (forcedly) to subscribe some users without any manipulations on their part?

Thank you in advance.

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Hi @mrripley,

I'm really sorry but wpForo doesn't have such automatic subscription options. This kind of options don't comply GDPR and they are not manageable.


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Ok. I understand that this violates the policy of GDPR in the event that this applies to public forums.
But in this case, I was talking about an internal corporate portal.

Could you explain please, how wpForo stores subscriptions in the database to manually perform the actions we need using the sql script?

Thank you in advance.

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To make them automatically subscribed to own topics I recommend enable the Topic subscription option on post editor - checked/enabled option in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features Tab.

However, as mentioned Sofy make sure this is not used for public forum, this kind of options don’t comply GDPR and they are not manageable.