Just read your doc and topic/reply approach looks like bbPress which doesn't allow preventing new topics by participants but permitting replies. I have a school with book chapters within courses predefined so students can only reply to the curriculum set up. Is there a way where your permission setup for that could be modified? Someone replied in a support area "who would want to do that?" which shows that maybe the request is beyond the principles of forums themselves.
You might say that each course is represented by a textbook which has each chapter represented by an assignment. The administrator has set up the curriculum with chapters so when a student has completed his assignment he can go to the topic to share his insights with the other students without having to create any topics because they are already there. Logically most forums would expect a user to create his own topic he wants to discuss. But in this case only replies are necessary. However with bbPress preventing topic creation also disallows replies and customization requires modifying the code itself. Some people create new roles for it but that complicates things. I was hoping your approach took it all into consideration.
Hi @norcom41,
If you use wpForo (not bbPress), you should use wpForo Forum Accesses and usergroups to manage accesses to certain forum.
Example: https://wpforo.com/community/how-to-and-troubleshooting-2/forum-permissions/#post-43580
Please read this topic: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/wordpress-user-roles-wpforo-usergroups-and-forum-accesses/#post-39664
In docs according to getting-started/forum-page, activation
creates a forum home page/default board. It seems that
would be for a WP static page as specified in Reading Settings.
The definition of forum there would be for the instance of the
whole project and not just representing an individual page. Also
it says "this forum page only contains shortcode" (programmed).
Then categories-and-forums/forum-boards says there can be
multiple forum pages of fully separate discussion boards "if you
want to have more than one forum in your website." Furthermore it
elaborates saying it has the "ability to create UNLIMITED categories
and forums in boards." So it seems that the definition of a home
page forum is different than that of UNLIMITED forums composed
of many pages ot topics representing multiple discussion boards.
I activated wpForo and when I looked at page=wpforo-forums I saw
the placeholders Main Category and Main Form. The doc says you
have the "ability to create unlimited categories and forums in boards."
It also says "Boards are not Forum Categories . . . [but are] separate
forum pages." It explains that "Categories are top level parent forums"
and that "forums must have" them. It also says "they inherit Category
Layout." So on the edit page under Forum Options there is a place to
specify Parent Form which must be where the forum's category is defined.
There is another place for Forum Permissions in the category edit area
for access. So if forum layouts are inherited from the category it would
be logical that Access Permissions would be inherited too so that they
wouldn't have to be redefined for each forum. Let's say you had four
categories and altogether twenty-five forums spread out over them.
You'd begin by replacing the "main" placeholders and building the new
category and forum structures. I still don't know whether each forum
would have to have it's own Access Permissiions redefined.