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[Closed] Register Forum Doesn't Submit - Returns To Sign Up Page

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I see such texts in your page content. What is this??

>REGISTRATION ATTEMPT BLOCKED</strong>: This site requires a security token created when the page loads for all registration attempts. Please ensure JavaScript is enabled and try again.

wpForo doesn't have such things in the registration form. Are you using custom scripts or plugins to protect your registration form? Please find and remove all.

Search in functions.php file of current active WP theme, search in /wpforo/ folder in the WP active theme, you may have customized WP template files. Search in plugins and remove all registration protecting plugins.

So wpForo registration for is crashed by some plugin or script, we cannot help you fix this issue, this is not wpForo issue, you should find the conflict maker and disable it.


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@robert I was able to get that message to appear only once in all my experimenting. And looking at the full code of the message, it appears to be coming from wpForo, not Wordfence.

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Interesting. I'm not seeing that text at all. Even if I don't check the recaptcha box.

Any chance you didn't click the box before submitting?

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That text is hidden in the page source code, you should press Ctrl+U and scroll down to see it. wpForo is injured by some plugin or scrip, so please read my previous post and try to find and remove it.

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@robert thank you - but I did check the source code as well, and it's not there.

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@therkf ,

Try to register, then after the page refresh check the page source.

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@therkf Trying to REGISTER, i get this:


Uncaught TypeError: window.jQuery is not a function 2" role="listitem">    <anonymous> :972 0" href="">sign-up:972:20 2" role="listitem"><anonymous> :972 2" role="listitem"> 2" role="listitem"> 
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Are you running, Wordfence?

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@dimalifragis Yes, we are.

Do I need to make adjustments for wpForo within the Wordfence settings?

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Posted by: @therkf

@dimalifragis Yes, we are.

Do I need to make adjustments for wpForo within the Wordfence settings?

I don't believe this is an issue between wpForo and Wordfence. It is some issue between Wordfence and some other plugin you run.

This message comes from Wordfence, this is the only help i can provide at this point.

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@dimalifragis my best guess right now is that it's an issue with both Wordfence and wpForo trying to implement reCaptcha.

Wordfence is set to do it on the login and register pages. So is wpForo. My guess is that wpForo is showing its version, but Wordfence is not able to, so it's failing the registration.

BUT - having said all of that - I'm still not able to replicate any of the error messages that have been reported here.

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I disabled recaptcha on both Wordfence and wpForo.

Cache excluded, Cloudflare flushed and on dev mode, this is about as clean as possible.

No change. 

I can't figure out what it could be.

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Posted by: @therkf

I disabled recaptcha on both Wordfence and wpForo.

Cache excluded, Cloudflare flushed and on dev mode, this is about as clean as possible.

No change. 

I can't figure out what it could be.

Then disable for 5 minutes Wordfence and test. Using some incognito mode or clear your browser cache.

I was able to register via "/wp-login.php?action=register" and worked right.

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