I can edit my profile once I have added a reply/topic by clicking on my name/nickname next to the topic/reply.
Question: how does a user setup their profile Avatar (e.g. access their forum user profile) before they have posted/replied? I can't figure out how to tell my customers to access their profile until they have posted/replied.
Follow-up: here on this site, I see that if the user has not setup a profile avatar, then you display what appears to be the first-letter of their name ("J" in this case) in a green circle. How do I enable that feature on my forums? https://birdersdiary.com/forum/
Thanks for the info on the plugin for Leira Letter Avatar.
But, I am not sure you answered my question in the first post above. I may have a cache problem, but the question remains, how does a user edit their Forum profile if they have never posted/replied before? Where is the link to that? I am sure it is somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.
Afterwards, I found that <siteurl>/forums/account does allow the user to get there, but should there be a link to this somewhere on the forums page?
Thanks again.
Update: I did as you suggested and a) Delete All Caches, and b) Delete User Cache. I don't believe that I have any cache plugin. Then Ctrl+F5 twice on my forum page.
Not sure what I was expecting to see from this, but no change that I can see.
Update: I added the Leira Letter Avatar plugin. Activated it.
Deleted all caches; delete user cache; refreshed Forum page twice; no Avatars.
Perhaps I am missing a step.
I am by no means a WP expert.