Hi there, our forum was working so far. But unfortunately after a theme update from The7, and an update of WP Rocket there seem to be an issue which prevents users from login and sign up on our forum.
We have deleted all caches, WP Rocket as well as server cache and all forum caches.
however this did not solve the problem.
Could you please advise on any fix?
For your information I have added a screenshot of our htaccess, since we did some changes to it which might affect the login. Also, as info we are running php 8.1.16
Many thanks
Screenshot htaccess
NO caching for wpForo. Exclude it.
We did it, it is excluded.
only WP 404 auto redirect. But even when this is deactivated we face the same problem. We have Yoast but no redirects there.
It looks like the problem came after the latest WPML update - not sure, but it could be related with WPML. I think also WP Foro had an update.
2 weeks ago everything was working fine. We have not changed anything since in the setup of the page, just only plugin updates.
Thanks for your help!