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New Feature [Closed] Single user does not want any mails from forum

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Most users are happy when they are informed that someone has commented on one of their posts. But it will not only be with us at so that some now do not want to have any mails at all.

Does anyone have a trick how to exclude single users from receiving mails? I can not use the mail address, because this is used for the login. And I don't want to shut down the whole notification system because of single ones.

Thanks for any idea, Bernd

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Not related to your question but trying to view your forum, i got some script (js probably) errors (press F12 to view them).

Also i saw rocket caching enabled. Caching plugins (any plugin) should not be active in wpForo. It can create all kind of issues, old content the most evident.

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@dimalifragis Thanks for caring. If you take WPForo with it's own caching system out of WP Rocket it works together, was adjusted with help of Robert here 1,5 years ago here.

Thanks for the hints with with the errors, mostly notifications that a Google font was preloaded , but not used in the first seconds. We will go after this, thanks again!


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@berndg ok, since your forums are private, i only checked the forums link (

If you have excluded the forums, then ok.

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Posted by: @berndg

Most users are happy when they are informed that someone has commented on one of their posts. But it will not only be with us at so that some now do not want to have any mails at all.

Does anyone have a trick how to exclude single users from receiving mails? I can not use the mail address, because this is used for the login. And I don't want to shut down the whole notification system because of single ones.

That single user can go to his/her Profile > Subscriptions Tab and unsubscribe from all Forums and Topics using his/her Subscription Manager:

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@robert if the user's nickname is indicated, he will still receive a notification that he was mentioned. even if he is not subscribed to anything

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@robert Thanks Robert for taking care. Yes, I know this place, just stupidly someone always shows up who now wants zero mails "and not a single one more, or else!" And most of the time, unfortunately, these are the annoying fellows.

What makes stress with the strict European data protection laws. Like @st7878 wrote, he should then still get the message at mention in the forum.

I will therefore offer him a workaround and modify his mail address, so that it runs in the bounce with us. If ever there is room on your todo list of new features for turning off all messages ... but it certainly doesn't need to be in the top ten on the list.

Thanks again

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Ok, well add some option in the user profile page to mute all notifications.

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@robert Thanks for the quick response!