Hi, thanks for this great plugin.
I have a problem with usergroups. I read all the docs I could, forum topics... My sync parameters are correctly set.
I have a multiple usergroups which I can't seem to make it work. Lets take an example : a usergroup "Nomade" with 14 people in the down table of the Usergroup page. But in the list above, the sync is active but it shows 0 members...
I use the plugin Members to set users roles.
I work with a subscription plugin, so each new member should correspond to a role, then to a usergroup (like Nomade) and it just won't.
Thanks for your help.
Not related to your question but since your forum is new and almost empty, you should consider to change the base forum url. Right now it is way too long. For example:
I would suggest to change the "/le-forum-de-la-tribu/" to something like "forum" or "community".
Long urls are not well indexed by google and usually show truncated.
Just some advice.
It's been 2 days since I wrote, and had no help. I paid 3 plugins for my forum, it's due to open next tuesday and I have no time to manually add all my subscribers into the right group...
Thank you for your help in advance.
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