WpForo already has a good integration with buddypress, this helps a lot in my community, however, I would like to associate for each group a forum or its own, is this possible?
Hi @fabianski,
In this case, the good option is using wpForo User Role-Usergroup Synchronization feature.
First of all please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features admin page, and make sure "Role-Usergroup Synchronization" option is enabled.
The User Role - Usergroup relationship and synchronization status can be found in the User Role table below the Usergroup list on the same Forums > Usergroups admin page:
More info can be found in this topic: https://wpforo.com/community/wpforo-announcements/wpforo-1-5-0-is-released/#post-17357
Hi, sofy.
I use this function but it does not associate buddypress groups with specific forums ...
It would look something like this: Associate a forum with a group, so it would be easier for the user to switch between the pages of both plugins.
Group "A" buddypress -> Forum "A" wpForo (only a direct link in the menu for the forum page http://prntscr.com/nr2o7z)
I'd like this too! This is the main draw of using bbPress with Buddypress: the ability for Group Admins to create a Group Forum associated with their Group.
Forum topics in bbPress also get a Buddypress activity status and it appears in the community activity stream, group activity stream and user's activity stream.
Is this bbPress-like functionality of assigning a specific forum to a specific BuddyPress-group planned or is this is not even being considered?
It's affecting my choice to go for wpForo or stick with bbPress. I need each (private) group to have their own (private) forum accessible via a tab on each BuddyPress-group page, like bbPress enables you to.