wpForo 1.7.1 is rel...
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[Closed] wpForo 1.7.1 is released!

12 Posts
8 Users
24 Reactions
Posts: 10549
Support Team Admin
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We just released wpForo 1.7.1 version!

We've fixed many bugs and added new features. wpForo JS and CSS files are optimized. The performance is also improved.


Important update notes

  • Some JS and CSS files are changed, please refresh (press Ctrl+F5) on forum front-end twice to reset browser cache, otherwise you'll see crashed design.
  • If you have a Cache or Minifier/Optimizer plugins please delete all caches after wpForo update.
  • If you use CDN and found some issue please purge it.
  • Forum template files are modified. The modifications were made in layout files to add "jump to unread post" functionality. Also, the header.php is modified and added User Notification Bell in the menu bar section. If you have an old customized copies of forum template files in your WP theme /wpforo/ folder please update those.


Main Changes


1. Many changes and options in Recent Posts widget and page

  • Added: Unread / Read bold title indicator in Recent Posts widget
  • Added: Option to display [new] indicator in Recent Posts widget
  • Added: Option to only display unread posts in Recent Posts widget
  • Added: Links "Jump to last unread" feature in Recent Posts page


1.1 Now recent posts are displaying with bold titles in Recent Posts widget if a post is unread. Also, there is an option in widget to display the [new] indicator for unread posts.


1.2 In case if you want to use the Recent Posts widget as Unread Post widget you can enable the "Display only unread posts" option. The read/unread status is deeply logged only for logged-in users so this widget will be hidden for guests.


2. Besides already existing In-forum notification types, we've also added user @mentioning notification.


3. Click the "link" icon of each post to get a Short and Full URL.


4. Frontend Admin Control Panel with quick links at the bottom of all forums.


5. Frontend info-box and instruction to protect user registration form.



  • Added: WordPress 5.4 compatibility
  • Added: In-forum notification when user is @mentioned
  • Added: Click the "link" icon of each post to get a Short and Full URL
  • Added: Unread / Read bold title indicator in Recent Posts widget
  • Added: Option to display [new] indicator in Recent Posts widget
  • Added: Option to only display unread posts in Recent Posts widget
  • Added: Links "Jump to last unread" feature in Recent Posts page
  • Added: Bulk change of members usergroup in Forums > Members admin page
  • Added: New post reporting dialog, removed jQuery UI files.
  • Added: Dashboard note and instruction to protect user registration form
  • Added: Frontend info-box and instruction to protect user registration form
  • Added: ru_RU Translation update by wpForo.RU Team
  • Added: WhatsApp and LinkedIn Share Buttons
  • Added: Redirect to previous page after user login
  • Added: [Create Account] button on forum login page
  • Added: Frontend Admin Control Panel with quick links at the bottom of all forums
  • Added: Filter hook `wpforo_member_nicename`
  • Added: Filter hook `wpforo_direct_topic_url` to turn on direct links without #postid
  • Added: Filter hook `wpforo_get_notifications_args` to filter notifications by different arguments
  • New Option: Stop sending emails to Admins on new user registration
  • New Option: Overwrite WordPress new user registration email to admins
  • New Option: Overwrite WordPress new user registration email to users
  • Performance: Less SQL queries on forum pages and zero affection on non-forum pages.
  • Optimization: JS and CSS files are optimized, faster page loading.
  • Optimization: Removed lots of inline JavaScript codes with phrases
  • Addons: Private Message notifications are integrated with forum notification system
  • Fixed Bug: Password is required when user updates profile fields
  • Fixed Bug: Mobile view issues in Simplified and threaded layouts under the avatar
  • Fixed Bug: Email templates line-breaks and formatting issues
  • Fixed Bug: Notification bell tooltip translation issue
  • Fixed Bug: Strip slashes of notification description
  • Fixed Bug: Broken solved status of Q&A layout topics
  • Fixed Bug: Disable Forum Tab URLs if BP Forum Tab integration is disabled
  • Fixed Bug: Disable Forum Tab URLs if UM Forum Tab integration is disabled
  • Fixed Bug: Empty list item on Split Topic form
  • Fixed Bug: Disable registration page when forum registration is disabled
  • Fixed Bug: Remove brackets from search phrase
  • Fixed Bug: Removed Google+ Share Button
  • Fixed Bug: Regular pages open as forum 404 page
  • Fixed Bug: Login redirect to 404 page

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 24/03/2020 9:25 pm
99ibrahim99, Sofy, Macky and 2 people reacted
Posts: 1602
Noble Member

Thanks for the update. Early to tell about the rest BUT for optimizations the work you did is great.


Site 1:

1.7 with Fast Velocity optimizer excluding wpforo assets folder 54-59 http requests

1.7.1 with FV optimizer not excluding wpforo assets folder 44-52 http requests and ALMOST 1 second faster the full load of page.


Site 2 (with the same settings as above)

1.7     74-80 http requests

1.7.1   44-52 requests and also almost 1 second faster


You guys DID SHAVE every second you could!!!!

THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted : 24/03/2020 10:19 pm
Sofy, Robert, Martin and 1 people reacted
Posts: 1163
Noble Member

I haven't added the upgrades yet, as its nearly bed time. 

Just wanted to log in to tell you guys, daaammmmnn, another amazing update! 

This has got some nice touches, and i haven't even looked into the optimization yet! 

Excellent work as usual. Well done to the team, i cant wait to get it uploaded! 

Check out my Wpforo forum, lots of customisations and add ons 🙂
Percys Grow Room

Posted : 25/03/2020 12:56 am
Sofy, Robert and Martin reacted
Posts: 522
Honorable Member
Posted by: @robert

Addons: Private Message notifications are integrated with forum notification system

Is this coming with a PM addon update later?

Posted : 25/03/2020 5:32 am
Posts: 988
Support Team Moderator


Yes, PM update will be today later.


Powered by gVectors Team. our popular plugins:
wpForo, wpDiscuz

Posted : 25/03/2020 5:36 am
VereK reacted
Posts: 522
Honorable Member

Thanks for the info Martin.

  • Added: Links "Jump to last unread" feature in Recent Posts page

This one is a biggie; nice one!


Posted : 25/03/2020 5:42 am
Macky and Martin reacted
Posts: 533
Prominent Member
Posted by: @verek

Thanks for the info Martin.

  • Added: Links "Jump to last unread" feature in Recent Posts page

This one is a biggie; nice one!


Finally, after 1,5 years asking for this, i am really glad.

It is never too late 🙂


All Suggestions are welcome

Posted : 25/03/2020 7:44 am
Macky reacted
Posts: 242
Reputable Member

Great update! Thank you!

One teeny tiny bug to report: When hovering on the "new" icon, the text shows, "Got to first unread post", which should be, "Go to first unread post". I know I can change this myself in the Phrases settings, but thought you might like to know about it. 🙂

Thanks again!

Posted : 25/03/2020 6:06 pm
Sofy, Robert, BlackRaz and 1 people reacted
Posts: 10549
Support Team Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @wendell

Great update! Thank you!

One teeny tiny bug to report: When hovering on the "new" icon, the text shows, "Got to first unread post", which should be, "Go to first unread post". I know I can change this myself in the Phrases settings, but thought you might like to know about it. 🙂

Thanks again!

Thank you for letting us know.


In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 25/03/2020 7:02 pm
Posts: 242
Reputable Member

Also noticing that clicking "Clear all" on the notifications dropdown always takes me back to the forum index. Before the update, it would simply refresh the current page. I've cleared all forum, server, and browser caches several times and tried in multiple browsers with the same results.

Posted : 26/03/2020 5:59 pm
RealAct and Robert reacted
Posts: 111
Estimable Member
Posted by: @robert

Click the "link" icon of each post to get a Short and Full URL.

Now in the Google index will there be duplicate pages / posts?

My forum powered by wpForo v2.1.6 (theme GeneratePress v3.0.2)

Posted : 27/03/2020 7:11 pm
Macky reacted
Posts: 10549
Support Team Admin
Topic starter
Posted by: @st7878
Posted by: @robert

Click the "link" icon of each post to get a Short and Full URL.

Now in the Google index will there be duplicate pages / posts?

No, there will not be any duplication. Because there is no shortlink in forum for Search Engine Bots. They only index full links. Also,  only forum and topics URLs are indexed, posts URLs are not in available for search engines, so the short URL is only related to posts. There is no topic short URL. As a topic short URL you can use the first post short URL which is not indexed.

Finally, in upcoming version, we'll keep the canonical URLs always the same, it doesn't matter you've opened the same topic with short URL or with Full URL, there will always be one full canonical URL.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 28/03/2020 7:23 am
st7878 reacted