@sergido, Try to remove the site title with this code. Put this code in the functions.php file of your current active WordPress theme, or use the Co...
In any case, there is a way to remove them if you want.
@sergido, There is no duplication issue if the site title exists on all forums and topics. Almost all webs softwares use this way of page titling, t...
What's wrong here: Home:▷ Foro de SEO En EspañolCategory:Escritorio del Foro | ▷ Foro de SEO En EspañolForum:General | ▷ Foro de SEO En EspañolTopic...
@sergido, So what? The Forum titles are based on: Current Forum Title | The website forum name Topic titles are based on: Topic Title | Topic F...
Hi @larsleif, There is no way to do that. wpForo has only one root, and all shortcodes go to the same root. Shortcodes are only designed to show a l...
Here are the best descriptions:
@annushka , I'm sorry but there is no way to keep enabled the RSS Links and don't allow them to be indexed.
@annushka, Please look attentive to the URLs, do you see this: ?foro=allread&foro_n=ecc415e63d ? This is the suffix of the "Mark All Read" lin...
@airammontessori, Then this doesn't have any relation to wpForo. You should check other plugins and themes. The admin bar is added and controlled by...
@josmisar, Please read this topic:/p>
You can do that only in database. Again, do some search before opening a new support topic: /p>
Hi @sujal, Please do a little search, check tags, check the related topics, and you'll find the answer very easy:/p> Tags:/p>
@joyhome, Ok, then the post was suspected by wpForo Spam Control. Something was suspicious, for sure. Also, make sure the "Can pass moderation" perm...
Read this as well:/p>