@percysgrowroom, wpForo doesn't do any manipulations and changes in your database during the update. So I think this is a server side issue. The spe...
@kraisor, Please open a new topic and explain the things you want to do. Also leave a reference to the previous solution. I'm closing this topic.
Ok, we've updated the core files in wordpress.org plugin directory. You should deactivate (not uninstall) wpForo, then delete the plugin and install i...
@tayo, Sometimes users use their emails as login and nickname, so it becomes as display name. Try other users or register a new user with a normal (...
@kraisor, The problem is fixed, and it's a result of customized forum template file in /wpforo/ folder of the current active theme. So, please remov...
@michelacosta, Here is a good topic about the polylang plugin:/span> This plugin is not compatible with wpForo.
hi @kwinkidink, Please make sure your WordPress version is 5.5.0 and higher, or don't update wpForo. We'll try to make it compatible with lower vers...
If you set this option YES, it makes the [new] button jumping to the last unread post and removes that function from the topic title, thus you should ...
@willpowerwisps, wpForo has been tested with WPML and it was working well.
@eel, All users can change their profile information in My Profile > Accounts tab. I'm sorry, but you cannot restrict users to manage their own p...
@btrent12, Are you using WP Multi Site installation? Can you disable all plugins and try it again?
@ediko, I hope you've not enabled the "Turn WordPress to wpForo" option. If so, please disable it and read the description of that option before en...
@alshoker, we'll find time and check it within next 1-2 days. Just keep the login details working. Again, please note that this is not wpForo iss...
@onurkansan, Just delete all caches twice and make sure you've disabled the correct plugin. Make sure all caches are reset properly. That's all, not...
For an advanced file attachments features, please check out this addon:/p>