Support Team
Topics: 1 / Replies: 942
RE: My site seems to be loading slower since the recent update.

@percysgrowroom, wpForo doesn't do any manipulations and changes in your database during the update. So I think this is a server side issue. The spe...

4 years ago
RE: No forum found in this category

@kraisor, Please open a new topic and explain the things you want to do. Also leave a reference to the previous solution. I'm closing this topic.

4 years ago
RE: Fatal error - Call to undefined method wpdb::db_server_info()

Ok, we've updated the core files in plugin directory. You should deactivate (not uninstall) wpForo, then delete the plugin and install i...

4 years ago
RE: Why is it displayed as an email address instead of a subscriber display name?

@tayo, Sometimes users use their emails as login and nickname, so it becomes as display name. Try other users or register a new user with a normal (...

4 years ago
RE: No forum found in this category

@kraisor, The problem is fixed, and it's a result of customized forum template file in /wpforo/ folder of the current active theme. So, please remov...

4 years ago
RE: Forum translation with phrase system / XML

@michelacosta, Here is a good topic about the polylang plugin:/span> This plugin is not compatible with wpForo.

4 years ago
RE: Fatal error after recent update

hi @kwinkidink, Please make sure your WordPress version is 5.5.0 and higher, or don't update wpForo. We'll try to make it compatible with lower vers...

4 years ago
RE: Topic Links Jump to First Unread Post not working

If you set this option YES, it makes the [new] button jumping to the last unread post and removes that function from the topic title, thus you should ...

4 years ago
RE: multilingual issues

@willpowerwisps, wpForo has been tested with WPML and it was working well.

4 years ago
RE: Permission Allowing User To Change Their Display Name

@eel, All users can change their profile information in My Profile > Accounts tab. I'm sorry, but you cannot restrict users to manage their own p...

4 years ago
RE: When updating forum tools - "Oops! That page can’t be found."

@btrent12, Are you using WP Multi Site installation? Can you disable all plugins and try it again?

4 years ago
RE: All My Posts Display 404 Page Not Found After I Moved Forum to Homepage

@ediko, I hope you've not enabled the "Turn WordPress to wpForo" option. If so, please disable it and read the description of that option before en...

4 years ago
RE: Problems with the slug of the main forum /forum/

@alshoker, we'll find time and check it within next 1-2 days. Just keep the login details working. Again, please note that this is not wpForo iss...

4 years ago
RE: Two login validation method issue at the same time

@onurkansan, Just delete all caches twice and make sure you've disabled the correct plugin. Make sure all caches are reset properly. That's all, not...

4 years ago
RE: attachments

For an advanced file attachments features, please check out this addon:/p>

4 years ago
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