@sofy Same problem...Error 404 for the adress of the forum, but not the adress of the website... I delete wp_foro poll, download the new pl...
Hi, Where I need to put this ? add_filter('wpforo_display_members_status', function ( $status ){ return array('active', 'inactive', 'banned'); });
@robert it's currently my problem.
@robert it's not possible to make a fusion betwin the 2 medias gallery ?
If we can have a unique post per forum ?
Hi ! I come back for some news ? Also the same problem today. For exemple : EXEMPLE-3.jpg
Hi ! I can't put my forum in full size.When I go to the page forum, the template is only "default" or "home page". How can I put my forum on full si...
It's possible to migrate a wpforo to another wpforo ?
Thank you !