Is the format for it the way that I typed it here?* ?Thanks
Hello!Jumping in to ask if there is any better way to do this? I mean, GPDR compliance is a pretty big deal, and users definitely look for a "delete m...
@martin I got this from siteground: The errors were showing because there was excessive resource usage by your server by the MySQL service. This is ...
Yeah I've just changed the nameservers and CDN to using the host nameserver and no CDN. I'm stripping everything off deployment that isn't necessary f...
Update: I changed my DNS and removed EZOIC integration and it seems to be working now. Something about EZOIC and WPforo don't to together Can someo...
Also not entirely sure if this is a mobile specific issue. If I use "view desktop version" on mobile I get the same result. I'm concerned a bunch of r...
Thank you for the resources Robert! I've reached out to both of them. WPForo is still the best on Wordpress, but I'm moving to a Node.JS back end and ...
It worked! Thank you so much @tutrix!!
@tutrix It's already set to important: .fa-reply:before { content: "\f3e5" !important;}.fa-window-close:before{ content: "\f410" !important;...
Well it's now centered, but not full width. The padding is set to 10px, but I assume it's actually much larger because the forum area isn't going full...
Here is the pages CSS layout: If you click over to, the landing page for the forum, it is centered and not full with. T...
Hi, this made no change, even after marking !important and clearing all caches/refreshing The CSS I have in custom code is currently: .fa-reply:...
Unfortunately "This plugin has been closed as of March 10, 2020 and is not available for download. Reason: Guideline Violation."
Just for clarity: All that space on the right side of this screenshot is still within the browser window. And this is on a small screen See for your...
Dropping in 2 years later to say that this would still be good to implement. AMP isn't going anywhere, and it's important to be able to use it with th...