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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Exclude from Cloudflare

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Some of my visitors experience typical cache issues with being logged out when they are logged in. I have excluded wpforo in WP Rocket as I should, but it doesn't help. I might need to do it in Cloudflare too. Do you know what URL to add into Cloudflare to exclude wpforo? My forum is at

I added to bypass this in CF but not sure if it's correct*

Many thanks

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Thanks. I did already look at both of those and I know how to exclude in CF but it seems wpforo are not sure themselves exactly which path to exclude. This is what I need to know for sure. Thanks.

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Hi @danniee,

Please try to exclude the base forum path:
  • /community/
  • /community/*
from Cloudflare's caching:
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@chris thank you for your reply. So no need to add the whole path like

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@danniee Just use F12 of your browser to check the headers of the page. You will see if it is cached or not.

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@dimalifragis thanks but not sure exactly what to look for.

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How do I know if Cloudflare is caching?
Cloudflare caches your content only after the first person have requested for that resource. You should generally see an improvement in caching after awhile. Look at the “cf-cache-status” header to see the status. HIT means Cloudflare is caching etc.
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I don't find that anywhere but I know CF is caching my site since GTMetrix says so.