On the Forum Settings page, in the Emails tabs, in the "New User Registration Email for user" section, the Message Body has:
Username: [user_login]
To set your password, visit the following address:
However when the email is sent the message is: "Username: testuser To set your password, visit the following address: "
There is no link provided in the email.
Same thing happens for resetting the password.
On the Forum Settings page, in the Emails tabs, in the "Reset Password Emails" section, the Message Body has:
Username: [user_login]
To set your password, visit the following address:
However the email says, "Hello! You asked us to reset your password for your account using the email address testuser. If this was a mistake, or you didn\'t ask for a password reset, just ignore this email and nothing will happen. To reset your password, visit the following address: Thanks! "
Again there is no link in the email to reset the password.
Hi @jon-1,
Make sure you use the latest wpForo version. This is a conflict with other plugins. wpForo doesn't have core bug regarding to this. It's better to deactivate all plugins and test it again. Then activate plugins one by, test it one by one after each plugin activation and find the conflict maker. Also please copy the Password Reset link of some test User (Subscriber) and leave it here to allow us check the URL structure.
I have version 1.5.3 installed.
Found the conflict with the Postmark plugin.
The set password email has the following:
Username: test34
To set your password, visit the following address:
Is there a mail service wpForo recommends?
I'm sorry but we have no an exact recommendation. For some reason this conflict with wpForo so we recommend find some alternative, or disable wpForo password reset function and use the native WordPress password reset function. You can do that in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features Tab by setting the "Replace Reset Password Page URL to Forum Reset Password Page URL" option "No".
Can anyone explain this term of the documentation plz?
- Replace Registration Page URL to Forum URL
- Replace Login Page URL to Forum URL
When these two options are enabled all Login and Register URLs of website will be redirected to Forum Login and Register pages.