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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] [VERY MISLEADING] View Count Not Accurate

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Hi Robert,

I am on version 1.7.7  and have looks at several thread about view count and done what they say to do. Below are the threads that I read.


It didn't do anything for me. I think that #2 is the issue. How can you show who is viewing each thread in live-time and not show view count in real-time.


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@Robert Have you seen this post. We are getting over 100 views on this post and it only shows 22. PLEASE HELP


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Sorry for the late response.

As we can see in the screenshots provided by you you use another plugin for view count.

Also please note for WordPress the wpForo all pages is considered as one page, and even if the wpForo has a lot of topics and pages, for WordPress it's only one page. The view count mentioned by you does not have any relation to the wpForo view counts. The wpForo only counts how many users viewed each topic.

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@alvina / @robert,


I need you guys to tell me what you use for the view count and how you collect them. I know for a fact that google analytics said that there were over 100 people viewing the post when we posted it. Again how do you collect your view count? I need to know because my client depends on the view count to be correct. Also we paid for 2 add-on plugins. We should get priority support for being a verified customer. I'm asking PLEASE PLEASE fix this.


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Hi @clemsonsportsnews,

Please note that the wpForo topic page views counting is based on Unique IPs, so if the same suer go to the same topic the number of views is not increased. It should the number of unique visits. This is why you see 22 not 100.

Even more, wpForo has built-in topic viewing logs so it also checks the logs, if a user have already visited this topic the new visit will not be counted. So even if you change your IP address the count will not be increased if the topic visit log exists for you.

Also, the page view number is not updated live-time. It's cached for increasing the performance, it's updated once a new like, up vote, topic or post is added or in other actions. 

And yes, VereK is correct you can remove some of those filters using my instruction:


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@robert @VereK if i do what is in the post below. What will happen when you have an update. When i update it will override that. So how can I edit the code and put it in my theme.

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We've added a new hook in the wpForo core for next update. Yes, the change mentioned above will be removed after the update. But using the new hook will do the job after the update even if the code is removed.

So for the current version do the changes mentioned int the post above.

Then add this code in your current active theme functions.php file to keep the same unfiltered view loging after the update:

add_filter('wpforo_filter_topic_views', '__return_false' );

How to Easily Add Custom Code in WordPress (without Breaking Your Site)


Note; please remember that the view counts are not updated live-time (as I explained in my previous post), you can see the counting if you delete the wpForo cache using the corresponding button in the Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page or in the Admin Frontend Control Panel:

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@robert when is date that the next update coming out?

Also thank you for you help.