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[Solved] wpForo & BuddyPress: Login/UserRoles/Profile

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i am new to wpForo and have not found answers for my questions via search function:


kindly tell me: what is the current status of wpForo and BuddyPress combination regarding:

- Does WordPress/BuddyPress have different Login/Register pages than wpForo or can i use/combine to have only 1 user-registration / login form for WordPress/BuddyPress and wpForo?

- What is the standard user role when a user is registering at the wpForo forum on my website? can i change this user-role?

- Does WordPress/BuddyPress have different Profile pages for users or is there any combined Profile page for BuddyPress and wpForo users?


thanks for help, tipps!

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Hi @wandern,

- Does WordPress/BuddyPress have different Login/Register pages than wpForo or can i use/combine to have only 1 user-registration / login form for WordPress/BuddyPress and wpForo?

wpForo is the same WordPress registration page with different design and URL.

 If you'd like to use the login/registration form provided by BuddyPress plugins you can insert those pages URLs in according authorization fields of Forums > Settings > Members admin page. This replaces wpForo login/registration pages with the BuddyPress pages.

More info here:

What is the standard user role when a user is registering at the wpForo forum on my website? can i change this user-role?

By default, it is "Registered" Usergroup, you can change it from Dashboard > Forums > Usergroups admin page. See the screenshot. 

Does WordPress/BuddyPress have different Profile pages for users or is there any combined Profile page for BuddyPress and wpForo users?

Yes by default the BuddyPress and wpForo profile pages are different.  However, wpForo is well integrated with the BuddyPress plugin: 

  • BuddyPress | Forums Menu
  • BuddyPress | Profile Tab Forums > Create forum topics,
  • BuddyPress | Profile Tab Forums > Posted forum replies,
  • BuddyPress | Profile Tab Forums > Liked Posts,
  • BuddyPress | Profile Tab Forums > Subscriptions,
  • BuddyPress | Notification Integration,
  • BuddyPress | Update Activity on post status changing

You can also replace the wpForo profile with BuddyPress one using the Replace Forum Profile with BuddyPress Profile option. The option is located in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features admin page. 

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thank you so much for this detailed, perfectly helpful and quick help/support. i understand that leaving a good review is also a good way to say thanks. will do! 🙂



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ok so its me again. i have looked around and tried to find the correct buddypress login/register/activation/lost-password pages but i am afraid to make a mistake and mess everything up 🙁 i am using mylisting-theme with buddypress and wpForo.


maybe there is someone who can help me on my site with entering the correct values/pages that work for me? i will for sure pay for the time needed via paypal.


i have attached screenshot for the data i would need.

thanks a lot !!

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@wandern happy to help. No charge

For some inspiration, have a look at my site over at

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@anonymous3542 Big respect on your site! This is really great and i see what else will be possible to achieve with this Forum. Good work and individual coding! I like the "unread posts" for example in the right top heading.


I will contact you shortly with details about my page and thank you so much in advance for helping me out 🙂