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  4. Social Share

Social Share

In this setting section, you can find social network sharing options. wpForo allows sharing almost all forum content (forums, topics, posts individually). The share button style and location is very flexible. There are a lot of options to set button style, type, location, etc… This is a board specific setting page, if you have more than one board then you can find these settings under each dashboard menu of forum boards. For example, if you’ve created two forum boards “EN Forum” and “FR Forum”, then you’ll find the Social Share settings of each board in the corresponding menu:

  • Single Board Forum:
    • Dashboard > wpForo > Settings > Social Share
  • Multi-Boards Forum:
    • Dashboard > EN Forum > Settings > Social Share
    • Dashboard > FR Forum > Settings > Social Share


Active Share Buttons

The share buttons can be enabled and disabled individually. Please note, that the Facebook share button cannot be activated without Facebook API ID. Please navigate to “Login & Registration” setting section, scroll down and find the Facebook Login options, follow the ‘Facebook API Configuration’ option instruction and fill the API ID field in order to activate Facebook Share button.


Enable General Share Buttons

General share buttons are forum and topic sharing buttons. They are located on the top and the bottom of each page. You can manage location of these buttons using ‘Share Buttons Location’ options below this admin page.


General Share Buttons Color

Share buttons can be colored or gray. This option allows switching button colors on / off.


General Share Buttons Type

There are three types of share buttons, you can choose the one you like.


Post Sharing Toggle

Post sharing toggle allows you to share posts individually. You can see post sharing toggles on the left, right side or in the top bar of each post. The toggle blue color is the current primary color (#12) of your forum style. For example, if you use the red forum style, the color of all share toggles will be red. This doesn’t affect share button colors. They are always gray, with original colors on mouse hover.

Post Sharing Toggle View – option allowed you to set whether expanded or collapsed the share buttons.