Hare are all processes which are going on during wpForo Installation:
- wpForo checks your Server MySQL version, selects most compatible SQL queries and executes them in order to create wpForo tables. During this process wpForo creates these tables:
- wp_wpforo_accesses
- wp_wpforo_activity
- wp_wpforo_forums
- wp_wpforo_languages
- wp_wpforo_likes
- wp_wpforo_phrases
- wp_wpforo_posts
- wp_wpforo_profiles
- wp_wpforo_subscribes
- wp_wpforo_tags
- wp_wpforo_topics
- wp_wpforo_usergroups
- wp_wpforo_views
- wp_wpforo_votes
- After creating these tables, wpForo inserts default values:
- Demo Category and Demo Forum (in wp_wpforo_forums)
- Default (English) Language (in wp_wpforo_languages)
- Front-end Phrases (in wp_wpforo_phrases)
- Usergroups: Admin, Moderator, Customer, Registered, Guest (in wp_wpforo_usergroups)
- Forum Accesses (in wp_options)
- Default Settings (in wp_options)
- wpForo scans all existing users in WordPress wp_users table and creates forum profile for each user in wp_wpforo_profiles table. After installation you can see the number of wp_users rows are equal to wp_wpforo_profiles table rows.
- After creating all tables and inserting default data, wpForo creates colors.css file in /wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-themes/classic/ directory. This file loads all colors and custom CSS set in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Style admin page. And it’s being changed/rewritten after each color change. All data of this file is also saved in database. When you update wpForo, colors.css is being re-created without loosing configuration made before update. Thus all colors and custom CSS stay intact.
- Then it creates Forum page with /community/ slug.
- The next step is Menu creation. wpForo menus are regular WordPress menus. wpForo creates “wpForo Navigation” menu in Dashboard > Appearance > Menus admin page. Also it creates all menu items of top menu bar (Forums, Members, My Profile, Activity, Subscriptions, Login, Logout, Register).
- Finally wpForo initiates wpForo Sidebar and forum widgets “Recent Topics”, “Recent Posts”, “Forum Search”, “Online Members”. You can find them and configure in Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets admin page.